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Mantra to Overcome the Fire Shabar Mantra | आग पर काबू पाने के मंत्र | How to Control Fire With Shabar Mantra Spells

Mantra to Overcome the Fire

Mantra : -

Om namo kora kariya,

Jalson bhariya ,

Lai gora ke sir par dhariya,

Ishwar wale goar nahaye,

Jaldi agni sheetal ho jaye,

Shabad sancha pind kancha,

Furo mantr ishwaro wancha,

Satya naam aadesh guru ko

Mantra Vidhi,

Agni Sheetal Karne Hetu Mantra paryog. In ancient time our Siddh Rishi Mahatma used these mantra to overcome the fight , because at that time there were no resouces to fight againt the fire. To make sidd this Shaktishaali Shabar Mantra one has to chant one lakh times this mantra in winter season. After one lakh chanting it will be effective. When this mantra is to use then take a pot of clay full of water take bath with half of the water and chant mantra 21 times . then throw the water drops over the fire. The fire will get slow down at the place where the water drop will come. Rishi Muni were used to such mantra to protect animals and birds in wild fire in ancient time.

Mantra to Overcome the Fire Shabar Mantra, आग पर काबू पाने के मंत्र,  How to Control Fire With Shabar Mantra Spells, Shabar Mantra Spells, How to Control Fire, Mantra to Overcome the Fire, Fire Shabar Mantra, Chamatkari Mantra, Magical spells by Rishi Muni or Saints,
Mantra to Overcome the Fire Shabar Mantra, आग पर काबू पाने के मंत्र,  How to Control Fire With Shabar Mantra Spells

Mantra to overcome fire

आग पर काबू पाने के मंत्र


 नमो कोर करिया,

 जलसों भरिया,

 लै गोरा के सिर पर धरिया,

 ईश्वर वाले गौर नहाये,

 जलती अग्नि शीतल हो जाये,

शब्द साँचा पिंड कांचा

फुरो मन्त्र ईश्वरो वांचा,

 सत्य नाम आदेश गुरु को।

मन्त्र विधि: -

इस मन्त्र को सर्दी के मौसम में एक लाख बार जप करके सिद्ध कर ले। फिर जब कभी भी अग्नि अपना कहर बरपाये तो एक मिटटी के कोरे मटके में पानी भर लेस्वयं भी स्नान करे और बचे हुए पानी को लेकर २१ बार मन्त्र जाप करे और पानी का छीटा अग्नि पर मारे। जिधर भी छीटा लगे वहीं पर अग्नि शांत हो जाये। अग्नि शांत होने पर शुद्ध पंडितो को भोजन करवाये और १०८ बार मन्त्र की आहुति दे।

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